Jasper White (b. 1973) investigates spaces synonymous with daily life. Stunningly vibrant, White’s photographs explore environments and belongings common to most people. Each work documents the beauty of these spaces, and the infinite variations found within them. As a child, White and his family moved constantly. The influence of such a nomadic upbringing is clearly manifested in White’s fascination with variations across quotidian spaces, adding a profoundly personal element to the works.
White's photographs have appeared in advertisements for the Guardian newspaper, the UKTV channel, HSBC bank, British Midland International Airlines and the British Postal Office, among others.
White has exhibited at the Getty Images Gallery, London and The Print Space, London. He has been awarded various prizes and bursaries, including several AOP Photography awards, an award from the London Photographic Association and the Observer Hodge Photographic Award (in association with Olympus). White’s works reside in various public and private collections.